Monday 22 December 2008

Alas no snow in Munich

The Christmas Market in Munich lived up to all but one expectation and that was the lack of snow.

The day before my arrival there was a snow storm of sorts but that quickly melted turning warmer and wetter!

Ah well, the shopping was good plus the gluwein and wurst were excellent. The bad weather also allowed me to spend and afternoon in the Schneider Weisser alehouse testing the wheatbeer.

All in all a nice weekend with side trips to the Hofbrauhaus and Killians Irish pub in the process.

Peter J Smith

Saturday 13 December 2008

Munich - Snow and Christmas Markets

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Well not in London! Raining cats and dogs as usual. However, this afternoon I spoke to my friend in Munich, the snow has come.

I try to get to Munich in Bavaria about this time every year and will be going once again this week. It may not have the best Christmas market but the proximity to the mountains and easy access to the glorious Salzburg make it a must do destination for the festive season.

Flights are best booked in advance and my preference is to fly into T1 in Munich from T5 at heathrow. Quick and relatively pain free.

The Euro is crushing the Pound right now and it's going to be a lot more expensive in the markets and the shops but there will be a good selection of gifts to choose from for the list of presents.

If the snow holds we will be heading for the mountains to do some toboganning and puffing around climbing hills. At least there will be plenty of refreshing Weissbier for apres ski!

Some of my top places will get a revisit inluding the very touristy, but oh so fun, Hofbrauhaus not to be missed. Next on the list is the Irish pub set in a cellar around the back of the Dom Killians Irish Pub it gets pretty busy but with live music and great grub give it a chance.

The Christmas market is fun and usually has a good number of mulled wine and sausage stands to keep you going details are at the Munich Tourist Office

Don't forget Salzburg, just an hour and a bit by fast train from Munich and a fantastic journey through the mountains.

Hopefully it will still be snowing and have a great Christmassy feel when I get there, more news on my return
Happy Christmas
Peter J Smith

Thursday 11 December 2008

Mexico and Belize

The next big trip is almost due!

Come the end of December I will be heading off once more to Isla Mujeres for a week and then down to Chetumal, across the border and a short flight to San Pedro in Ambergris Caye.

Scuba diving in on the agenda with a trip out to the Blue Hole near Lighhouse Caye on the Barrier Reef. This particular dive has been much anticipated.

After that it will be a tour through the other cayes and down to the south of Belize. If I have time and the situation is reasonable I may be able to manage a short trip into Guatemala for Flores and Tikal as side trips.

The trip report should be done in early February with the usual tips and photos.

Peter J Smith

Sunday 7 December 2008

The Demise of the British Pub

The British love affair with the traditional pub is in crisis. Scores of village pubs are closing everyday and many more are teetering on the brink of closure.

Many analysts have pointed at the smoking ban as the main culprit with the deepening recession and high taxes as other probable causes.

Smaller margins, higher fuel bills and a diminishing trade has put a great strain on landlords and small companies running our favourite institutions. One local village pub with a high reputation and two, two restaurants has gone bust. This was a business that seemed to work well and was respected but under the covers was losing money.

More people choosing to drink, and smoke, at home are surely having a huge effect on the trade which has had to become more innovative to stay in business.

For the tourist trade it would be a calamity to lose our pub heritage and a long term disaster for our own social lives. We have always used the pub as a social gathering place, and is a great controlled environment in which to foster sensible drinking. It encompasses all age groups and with a good landlord it is a suitable limiter in alcohol abuse.

So stand up for your country, your institutions, your history and your future! Head to the pub this lunchtime, take a pint or two of the local brew, have a chat with the landlord and say cheers to The Great British Pub!

Peter J Smith

Saturday 6 December 2008

To go or not to go?

As usual, after yet another terrorist outrage, travellers have to make a decision on whether to travel to a particular area or not. I feel that as long as the immediate threat is over it is essential to carry on as normal. The local tourist industry relies heavily on continued bookings and needs our support in difficult times. I say stand up and be counted, go there, spend and delight in the happiness of the local population.
Peter J Smith :: Expert Travel Advice