Sunday 7 December 2008

The Demise of the British Pub

The British love affair with the traditional pub is in crisis. Scores of village pubs are closing everyday and many more are teetering on the brink of closure.

Many analysts have pointed at the smoking ban as the main culprit with the deepening recession and high taxes as other probable causes.

Smaller margins, higher fuel bills and a diminishing trade has put a great strain on landlords and small companies running our favourite institutions. One local village pub with a high reputation and two, two restaurants has gone bust. This was a business that seemed to work well and was respected but under the covers was losing money.

More people choosing to drink, and smoke, at home are surely having a huge effect on the trade which has had to become more innovative to stay in business.

For the tourist trade it would be a calamity to lose our pub heritage and a long term disaster for our own social lives. We have always used the pub as a social gathering place, and is a great controlled environment in which to foster sensible drinking. It encompasses all age groups and with a good landlord it is a suitable limiter in alcohol abuse.

So stand up for your country, your institutions, your history and your future! Head to the pub this lunchtime, take a pint or two of the local brew, have a chat with the landlord and say cheers to The Great British Pub!

Peter J Smith

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