Sunday 4 January 2009

Mexico New Year 2009 Part 1

Christmas day had turned from a dull slate grey sky and middling temperatures to an ice chest overnight.

The upcoming flight to the warmer climes of Mexico was becoming more and more anticipated. The days dragged a bit but soon New Years Eve arrived and I set off at 6.30 am for the start of a very long day.

Gatwick airport was pretty calm as most people had already taken off for their winter vacation, check in was smooth and in no time I was through security and tucking into Eggs Benedict.
Hurry up and wait seemed to be the order of the day though as departure time came and went.

It transpired that our plane to Cancun had developed a serious toilet malfunction and the airline had flown in a replacement. That seemed worth the wait. Unfortunately the replacement aircraft had a fault with the in flight entertainment so we went without for the eleven hour flight!

Having a personal video player was a just the gadget needed and luckily mine was fully charged so the flight passed a little easier for me than my fellow passengers.

Arrival at Cancun was uneventful and after a shuttle ride to Puerto Juarez it was no more than a twenty minute fast boat ride to the island. The weather was hot and humid and the crowds thronging the streets were carrying their own heat controllers in the form of huge margaritas....I had finally arrived in my kind of town.

Peter J Smith

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