Saturday 11 April 2009

Lagos, Portugal a perfect spring break

beaches in Lagos, Portugal

Lagos is like a magnet for me, I try to get here at least once a year. In springtime the air is fresh, the sun is warm and there are few tourists to contend with. Don't go in the water though! It is freezing cold most of the year and a dip in ocean in April will certainly give you a jolt.

This year I decided to cheat a little and took the Brittany Ferries Pont-Aven from Portsmouth to Santander in Spain to ease the work load on both myself and the faithful truck I was driving down in. This was a great idea as it saved over 900 miles of driving through France and worked out cheaper.

Lagos Portugal

From Santander the most straightforward route is to pass by Valladolid and Salamanca then on into Portugal taking the wide and swift motorway down to the Algarve. The only tolls to pay on this route work are in Portugal. If you wanted to avoid these altogether it is possible to travel via Seville in Spain.

The whole journey took about two days and with fine weather all the way it was a very pleasant drive. In winter this route would get some snow but by April all the routes are clear and the traffic is light.

Arrival in Lagos is always exciting, after the long drive you finally see the ocean and the golden beaches along the coast. The town itself has expanded dramatically over the last ten years, but that has been outward. The centre has retained its cobbled streets and narrow roads with plenty of scope for exploring.

Lagos, Portugal

The best beaches, for me, are the glorious coves cut into the coastline that seems to be carved into weird shapes with outcrops of isolated pillars and hidden caves. Small boats vie for trade along the Avenida in town coaxing tourists into grotto tours and more extravagant coastal ventures.

Lighthouse in Lagos, Portugal

The coastline is accessible for miles in each direction and I have spent many a day walking the cliffs from Lagos to Burgau, a dozen or so kilometres to the west. Some visitors make the coastal walks the main part of their vacation and with the outstanding natural beauty who can blame them.

Apart from the natural aspects of the Algarve the draw of Lagos is the laid back lifestyle that it engenders. Backpackers from all over the world make the journey here and some coming for a few days have ended up staying for the season or even for life!

There are plenty of restaurants in town, some serving excellent fish and seafood dishes but my favourite is a small local hangout called……oh that would be giving the game away wouldn't it? You will just have to ask me!

The Old Tavern

Characteristic narrow bars dot the streets around the town and come alive after dark when the families have gone home and the fun seeking travellers are set for a night of revelry. The best of these bars range from the mellow but fun Old Tavern run by Michael and Marilyn to the mad and slightly bad Joes Garage with a reputation for bar dancing and wild parties. In Lagos you can choose your venue but remember the way home!

Peter J Smith April 2009

1 comment:

jimokane said...

A brilliant commentry on the fantastic town of Lagos and very useful advice on how to get there from Santander. I was on the beach in the top picture only a day or two ago and my flip flops were swept from under my feet by a huge wave and taken out to sea. If you happen to see them next time you are in town drop me a line they were the most comfortable pair I ever had